In today’s digital age, YouTube has become the go-to platform for video content. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it’s clear that YouTube is a great way to reach a wide audience. However, starting with many channels & videos can require a lot of effort. It is where YouTube SEO & hashtags come in. Optimizing your videos for search engines & using the right hashtags can increase your views & grow your audience.

YouTube SEO Is Important For Increasing Views.

Understanding how SEO works is important to improve your views on YouTube. Optimizing your videos to rank higher in the search results & gain more publicity is important. It is where YouTube SEO comes in. YouTube SEO involves optimizing your videos with relevant keywords, descriptions, & tags to help people find your videos when they search for related content. Doing this will reach a larger audience, increase your views, & ultimately grow your channel.

The title of your video is one of the most crucial elements in YouTube SEO.  It should be engaging & descriptive & include your main keywords. A well-optimized title can help your video rank higher in search results & attract more clicks.

Another important factor is the video description. It is where you can provide more information about your video, including additional keywords, links to your website or social media accounts, & a call to action to encourage users to subscribe or participate with your content.

Finally, tags also play a key part in YouTube SEO. These keywords describe your video & help YouTube understand what your video is about. Including relevant tags can help your video appear in related, recommended, & search results.f

Steps To Optimise Your YouTube Videos For SEO

Perform keyword research: Research keywords & phrases relevant to your video’s topic before creating your video. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or VidIQ to find popular keywords & phrases people seek.

Optimize your title & description: The title of your video is the first thing people will see, so make it catchy & include your main keyword. Include your main keyword & a video content summary in the video description.

Select the right tags: Tags are vital for YouTube’s search algorithm. Use specific & relevant tags that accurately describe your video’s content. Don’t use irrelevant tags or tag stuffing.

Use closed captions: Closed captions help YouTube’s algorithm understand the content of your video. Use accurate & relevant captions that include your main keyword.

Promote engagement: Likes, shares, & comments show YouTube that your video is popular & valuable. Invite people to engage with your video by putting a call to action in the video or the description.

By taking these steps, you can optimize your YouTube videos for SEO & improve your chances of ranking higher on YouTube’s search results.

Understanding YouTube’s algorithm

The algorithm shows users the most relevant videos based on their web searches & viewing history. The algorithm considers various factors, including the video’s title, description, tags, & engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, & views.

One key factor to remember is watch time, which indicates how much people spend watching your movie. The longer people watch your video, the higher it will rank in search results & recommendations. It would be best to aim to make your videos engaging & informative & keep viewers hooked from beginning to end.

Another important factor is keywords. It would help if users explored & include relevant keywords in your video title, description, & tags to help YouTube understand your video & show it to the right audience. It will also help your video appear in search results for specific keywords.

Understanding YouTube’s algorithm is crucial to creating a successful video marketing strategy.

Optimise Video Titles, Descriptions, & Tags

Optimizing your video titles, descriptions, & tags is crucial to improving your video’s visibility & increasing views. A well-optimized title should be concise, engaging, & accurately reflect the content of your video. It should also include relevant keywords that people are searching for. You can use tools like Google Trends, & YouTube’s autocomplete feature to find popular & relevant keywords to include in your title.

Your video description should include further information on the content of your video, including an overview of what viewers can expect to see. It should also include relevant keywords & links to your website or social media accounts. Add a request after your description to urge viewers to act, such as subscribe to your channel or visit your website.

Tags are another crucial feature of YouTube SEO. They help to categorize your video & make it easier for viewers to find. Make sure to include both broad & specific tags that accurately reflect the content of your video.

Optimizing tags, video titles & descriptions will help you build your channel, increase brand awareness, & drive more traffic to your website.

YouTube Hashtags To Increase Visibility

YouTube hashtags are a great way to boost your video’s visibility on the platform. When used correctly, they can help your content reach a wider audience & attract more views.

Then, you need to select the correct hashtags. Start by studying popular hashtags related to your expertise or industry. Once you have a list of suitable hashtags, you can start putting them into your video tags.

It’s crucial to remember that you shouldn’t overuse hashtags. Stick to around 2-3 relevant hashtags in every video. Likewise, make sure the hashtags you include are related to the subject of your video. Using irrelevant hashtags can harm your visibility, as it can confuse YouTube’s algorithm & result in your content being shown to the wrong audience.

Utilizing hashtags is a simple yet efficient approach to boosting your video’s visibility on YouTube.

Place hashtags for maximum effect.

Hashtags are a great tool to increase your viewership on YouTube, but it’s crucial to use them wisely. Remember that hashtags are best suited for the comments section or video description. It’s not advisable to include them in the video as this could make your content seem spammy, which is not what you want.

Placing the hashtags further down in the video’s explanation is clever, as it enables the viewers to concentrate on the core message and not be sidetracked by the hashtags. However, ensuring the hashtags match the video’s theme and relevant key phrases is vital.

By placing your hashtags strategically & using relevant & targeted hashtags, you can boost your views on YouTube & reach a wider audience. You can also do YouTube channel promotion [] for increasing views and subscribers.

Choose The Right Hashtags For Your Videos.

Selecting the proper hashtags for your video guarantees that your material is exposed to the appropriate people interested in your video topic. It also makes your content more discoverable & easier to find. You can utilize the YouTube search box to discover popular themes relevant to your video.

You can also use hashtag generator tools to identify your niche’s most popular & relevant hashtags. These tools analyze your video content & suggest relevant hashtags based on the keywords & phrases used in your video.

Remember to choose a mix of popular & niche-specific hashtags to maximize visibility & relevance. Use only a few hashtags in your video, as this can make your content appear spammy & decrease engagement. Keep your hashtags concise & relevant to your video content.


After investing time & effort into optimizing your video with SEO & hashtags, it’s important to track its progress & make adjustments along the way. YouTube provides analytics that can help you determine the performance of your video, including views, watch time, & engagement.

Using this data, you can identify which keywords & hashtags drive the most views & engagement & adjust your strategy accordingly. In conclusion, tracking the progress of your video & adjusting your SEO & hashtag strategies can make a huge difference in the success of your YouTube channel. You can boost your views & grow your audience by staying on top of these factors.