If you’re playing on a Minecraft server and the owner leaves, it’s common to worry about losing all your progress and being kicked out of the game. However Who is the creator of Minecraft   there are a few ways to stay in the world even when the owner is not online. In this article, we’ll discuss some strategies for staying in a Minecraft world when the owner is offline.

Use a dedicated server

  • One of the best ways to stay in a Minecraft world when the owner leaves is to use a dedicated server. A dedicated server is a separate computer that runs the Minecraft server software and is always online. By using a dedicated server, you can ensure that the world remains active even when the owner is not online. You can rent a dedicated server from a hosting company or set up your own using a spare computer or a cloud-based service.

Use a server plugin

  • Another way to stay in a Minecraft world when the owner leaves is to use a server plugin. There are several plugins available that allow players to continue playing even when the server owner is offline. These plugins usually require some configuration and setup, but they can provide a seamless experience for players. One popular plugin is called “Offline Mode,” which allows players to continue playing even when the server owner is not online.

Ask the owner to leave the server running

  • If you’re playing on a server hosted by the owner, you can ask them to leave the server running when they’re not online. This will allow you to continue playing and making progress in the world. However, keep in mind that leaving the server running for long periods of time can put a strain on the owner’s computer or server, so it’s important to be considerate and ask permission before making this request.

Use a LAN world

  • If you’re playing on a LAN (local area network) world with friends or family members, you can continue playing even when the host is not online. To do this, you’ll need to set up a LAN world and ensure that all players are connected to the same network. Once the world is set up, players can continue playing even if the host computer is turned off or disconnected from the network.

Use a backup system

  • Another way to ensure that you don’t lose progress when the owner leaves is to use a backup system. This involves periodically saving a copy of the world to your computer or a cloud-based storage service. If the owner leaves or the server crashes, you can use the backup to continue playing from where you left off. However, keep in mind that this method may not be ideal for multiplayer games since other players may not have access to the same backup.

Finl words

 staying in a Minecraft world when the owner leaves requires some planning and preparation. By using a dedicated server, server plugins, or backup systems, you can ensure that you don’t lose progress or get kicked out of the game. Remember to  read more  always ask permission before making changes to the server, and be respectful of the owner’s wishes and resources. With the right strategies in place, you can enjoy playing Minecraft even when the owner is not online.